
Dealer Incentive Tour of Iceland

Through Kimball’s Sales Management Incentive Program, Omega Commercial Interiors earned a 5-night trip to Reykjavik, Iceland. David Mccormick, Peggy Schifano Lovio and their spouses stayed at the Hilton in Reykjavik August 1st through the 5th. Just off the coast of Iceland, Reykjavik is the capital and largest city in Iceland. The trip included a city tour, a jeep excursion through Thorsmark Valley, dinner at Fjorubordid Restaurant, Lava tunnels, the Blue Lagoon and a Golden Circle Tour.

Dealer Incentive Tour of Iceland

Through Kimball’s Sales Management Incentive Program, Omega Commercial Interiors earned a 5-night trip to Reykjavik, Iceland. David Mccormick, Peggy Schifano Lovio and their spouses stayed at the Hilton in Reykjavik August 1st through the 5th. Just off the coast of Iceland, Reykjavik is the capital and largest city in Iceland. The trip included a city tour, a jeep excursion through Thorsmark Valley, dinner at Fjorubordid Restaurant, Lava tunnels, the Blue Lagoon and a Golden Circle Tour.

There are colorful murals that adorn all the buildings and many places to shop in Reykjavik. Walking alongside Reykjavik’s Old Harbor, you view the surrounding mountains, the Sun Voyager Statue and Harpa Concert Hall clad with geometric shaped glass panels of different colors.

Local cuisine consists of seafood, lamb and whale. The Fjorubordid (meaning “At the seashore”) Restaurant sits on the shore just behind the ocean berm and offers up the best lobster bisque (langoustine tails sautéd in garlic and butter) and desserts in Iceland. Lobster-licious!

Built to look like a one of Iceland’s glaciers, Hallgrimskirkja Church took nearly 50 years to build. It contains a church organ that is 50 feet high and offers an elevator ride to the top (240′ high) where you can view the entire city. The church is said to stand guard over Reykjavik.

Thorsmark, named after Thor, the viking god of thunder, is a wide valley surrounded by mountain ridges and three glaciers that can’t be traveled by a standard rental car.

The Blue Lagoon begins 6500 feet below the surface where freshwater and seawater combine at extreme temperatures. On its way to the surface, the water picks up silica and minerals finally emerging into the lagoon. The water temperature is generally around 98 degrees and self cleanses, renewing with fresh water every forty hours.

The Golden Circle is an all day tour that loops from Reykjavik into the southern uplands of Iceland and back. You see above ground tectonic plates, a double cascade waterfall, a crater lake and more. The south coast of Iceland consists of black sand glacial flood plains, glacier lagoons, hexagonal pillars formed by cooling lava, massive moss covered boulders, glistening icebergs and amazing waterfalls. It is truly one of the wonders of the world.